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les infos de La Bignole

texte en français fr

21  23 septembre 1924  ..

Journal des débats

Page one - Iraq's expanding borders, to the detriment of Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Irak

Le Petit  Parisien

Page one - The double accident in Cachan will lead to an overhaul of the system of classified establishments... (see the article in the Echo de Paris)

Page four - The Miscellaneous facts or or the not-so-miscellaneous facts, the desperate, the thieves, the accident victims... 20th or 21st, they are often the same stories, sometimes dramatic...


Page One - Brest should be the first port of Europe. The American engineer Mackenzie indicated that Brest would inevitably become the first transatlantic port in the world. In hindsight, it was a failure and by far... by a long way

Port of Brest French ports Ports around the world

                  - The Solutré excavations have unearthed more than fifteen skeletons of all ages. The Solutré Prehistoric Station is the largest in France.

Solutré-Pouilly La Roche de Solutré

                   - Express buses have made their debut...everything happens. The journey time varies between fifteen and nineteen minutes.

                   - Should the Conciergerie remain the Conciergerie? Here, it's the cellular regime...

Still on page one - The Little House where tomorrow there will be cabbages and priests' gardens... To end on aa little poetic note

21 septembre 1924