les infos de la Bignole
On the occasion of International Cat Day, did you know that: American President Coolidge used modern means of communication to address American citizens in order to... find "Tiger" his runaway cat, was this a nod to Clemenceau? God is said to have made the cat to give man the pleasure of petting a tiger; Victor Hugo's cat was called Chamoine; Chateaubriand, the one whose tomb is falling, wrote somewhere: "Buffon mistreated the cat, I am working on his rehabilitation and I hope to make him a suitably honest animal, in the fashion of the time." Other anecdotes concern the raminagrobis and their masters known throughout time: cats and their friends. And the best described are by Pierre Loti. There are few of his books where he has not spoken about his favorites. All he has said about them can be summed up in this definitive sentence: "Cats have little touchy souls, little souls of cuddling, pride and caprice, difficult to penetrate, revealing themselves only to a privileged few and repelled by the slightest outrage or sometimes the slightest disappointment...". This is an opportunity to return to some pages that are dedicated to Pierre Loti Find other heritage or vestiges of the past in today's, the day before or the next day's edition of La Bignole and for truly current news, without dust, it's here, for example: "Fine promises... are the foundation of politics" or "the occasion of the Olympic Games... art and taste". And see you this weekend in the Bignole of yesteryear for the resumption of weekly chess. For the housewife's notebook, you will have to wait until September.
A great walk virtual tour across France, for those on vacation... or not! List of buildings protected as historic monuments in 2023 (To download) Among others: Alpes-Maritimes in Nice: The whole complex, in its entirety, formed by the old villa Masséna, its courtyard to the north and its garden with its fences and its belvedere terrace to the south, as well as the concierge pavilion. And following donations from George Chapsal and Porcher-Labreuil, a report on the inauguration of newthe rooms of the Masséna museum, all of course in photos Ille-et-Vilaine in Saint Malo: the entire building, located at 11, rue Chateaubriand |
Chateaubriand's tomb is not affected! Is it in danger on the islet of Grand Bé in Saint-Malo? With erosion, the writer's tomb, threatens to fall into the water. Should we let nature take its course? Or should we move the monument? (france3) And here: The rumor has spread, we don't know where it came from,.. that Chateaubriand's tomb on the Grand-Bé, in the harbor of Saint-Malo, was in danger of ruin, that cracks were opening in its rocky base and that the tip of the island was crumbling rapidly, worn down by the waves... May he rest in peace, under the sign of the cross, as he wanted. And after all, what a great adventure, if the navigator of the abyss received, on a stormy night, the burial of the sailors!
And a little piece of French heritage on the other side of the world In Malaysia, a very rich man had a replica of the city of Colmar built in the middle of the jungle... It all started in the 90s, when the Prime Minister at the time, Mahathir Mohamad, goes to France to visit Alsatian villages. Deeply impressed by the city of Colmar, he rushes to tell his friend, the businessman and investor Vincent Tan, to whom he asks to build him an architectural replica in his country...(actu.fr) |
And see you from July 25 to August 3, 2025 in Colmar, the real one in France, for the Wine Fair Some very big names in music were on the program: SDM, Hamza, Louis Bertignac, M. Pokora, Hoshi, Grand Corps Malade and Simple Minds ... And here: the Alsatian fair at the top of the fairs of the East in 2024 and in second place nationally behind the Paris fair. (france3) |
A Basque book dating from the 17th century found in a second-hand store in the Grand Est... For the modest sum of 8 euros... On the occasion of a conference on documentary funds in French languages, the book will be given to the library of Bayonne in 2025 to "be preserved in a heritage institution and continue to tell us stories..." "Of course, we wonder what they may have seen during their lives. Did it belong to a sailor? Did he sail the seas? Why did this book leave the Basque Country and end up in Châlons-en-Champagne?" (francebleu) |
An auction of panels of Grands Crus de Bourgogne... On November 12, more than 600 panels of Grands Crus de Bourgogne appellations will be put up for sale by Drouot and Interencheres... The starting prices for these panels range from 30 to 50 euros for the least expensive to 100 to 500 euros for the most wanted. (francebleu) The lots can be viewed here |
And for those who prefer the earth that goes with the panels Decision of 29 July 2024 establishing the indicative scale of the average market value of agricultural land in 2023 TABLE 4: Market value of vines in 2023, It costs a lot in Burgundy, up to 5,500,000 euros, and even more, per hectare! |
And still, even if the price per hectare is cheaper Moët et Chandon is selling a limited edition bottle for 25,000 euros... entirely gilded in fine gold with a laurel wreath on the collar, a nod to Napoleon Bonaparte, a loyal customer of the House. It is published in only eight copies. (francebleu) And long live the auctions in a few years! "Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation” , but at this price not too much risk of abuse |
And by the way auction, Hidaya Daousinka becomes the first Mahoran woman justice commissioner After years of perseverance, the mother took the oath this afternoon at the Mamoudzou judicial court under the moved eyes of her family. Order of June 28, 2024 appointing a justice commissioner employee (public or ministerial officers) |
And the good news, but a century ago: Women can be "auctioneers" today, that was in France.But is it a job for women? And in Monaco? The principality is removing its obsolete and sexist laws. If you were a Monegasque woman, becoming a bailiff or notary was forbidden. It was in 20th century or 21th century?
And of the 'the other side of the Atlantic... For the first time since 1800, the year of the first election of a Kalinago chief under there British colonization, a woman becomes chief of the territory located on the Atlantic coast of the island. Dominica, which the ancestors called Waitukubuli, means "great is her body". (francetvinfo)
Back to gastronomy... In this village of l'Eure, the schoolchildren eat Christelle's homemade cooking... Christelle doesn't forget a pizza, a burger and fries from time to time, to please the children. "It's only once a month, I still have to peel 25 kg of potatoes by myself," she laughs. "I know that when it's on the menu, there's nothing left." ![]() ![]() |
The animal world, but not only "I saw Bambi in the Loire": a deer spotted near Cordemais, in the river... "It's the first time I've seen that," says Guillaume Dalmard, pilot of the Loire Princesse boat. This Sunday evening, while he was sailing with passengers on the river, he saw a deer in the water, crossing back and forth near Cordemais. (francebleu) And not so long ago, the story of a doe, finally an amphibious deer fished out of the English Channel, at the mouth of the Rye (England) by the sailors of the boat Saint-Joseph, from Etaples, who brought it back to port. And the rest of MM. Lebureau and the amphibious doe, is the animal a wreck collected as such? Phew: The Kent deer has his life saved. |
Less romantic, new bedbugs have appeared in France, the Dutch cimex vulgarus, according to the Chikirou taxonomy. "You used drastic measures to get rid of it, you believed in it for a while and you resumed a healthy life (on the left) but in a few weeks, it itches again and comes out everywhere... You're going to have to start again!" Meanwhile, phtirus melenchonus compagnus (taxomania hollandus) continues to rage in the news: Chikirou calls Hollande's supporters "bedbugs" (huffingtonpost) Targeted by a complaint for apology for terrorism, LFI MP for Paris Sophia Chikirou defends herself (actu.fr)
Other taxa of bedbugs |
For music lovers , the score of the municipal musical chairs rills. Near Lyon: Defeated in the legislative elections by the NFP, this former deputy resumes his post as mayor... Made possible by the resignation of Julien Smati, it had in fact been planned for a long time by the two politicians, very friendly, in the event of defeat in the National Assembly. (actu.fr)
For the old , a visit to the museum Senlis (Oise) : The town hall refuses the visit of the TikTokeur “Le Franc Gaulois” to the museum of art and archeology... Marie-Christine Robert , deputy mayor in charge of culture. "We find that his style does not correspond to the image of the museum... Furthermore, I do not have the impression that his public, young, is interested in classical painting"
But there remains a virtual tour of the museum, after the story of the panties which disturbs the municipality of Saint-Raphaël and its mayor Frédéric Masquelier
These are not not the olympics, but... Finalizing preparations for the 5th World Nomad Games in Kazakhstan.From 8 to 14 September 2024, Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, will host the World Nomad Games, reflecting the cultural heritage of nomadic peoples. The World Nomad Games are included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. |
These are not not the olympics, but... Finalizing preparations for the 5th World Nomad Games in Kazakhstan.From September 8 to 14, 2024, Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, will host the World Nomad Games, reflecting the cultural heritage of nomadic peoples. The World Nomadic Games are included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. |
And always the moon... What would Georges Méliès think?
Kazakhstan and China to build a lunar base (astanatimes.com) And closer, Kazakh art exhibition
Other exhibitions |
« SUZANNE VALADON » présentée au Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'Art Moderne, Paris, du 15 janvier 2025 au 30 juin 2025 |
« ALBERTO GIACOMETTI / GIORGIO MORANDI » organisée et présentée à l'Institut Giacometti, Paris, du 13 novembre 2024 au 2 mars 2025 |
« JACKSON POLLOCK. LES PREMIÈRES ANNÉES » organisée et présentée au musée national Picasso-Paris, du 15 octobre 2024 au 19 janvier 2025 |
Vocabulary List relating to biology vocabulary (adopted terms, expressions and definitions) and their English equivalents The Bignole begins to establish his list relating to the vocabulary of politics Today: "bedbugs " equals "hollandism" (Sophia Chikirou) |
24 juillet 2024 | 14 août 2024 |