les infos de la Bignole
“On Saint-Alban’s Day, you can put your clothes down. » Naked, all naked world, So a little look back to the future in music: almost 70 years that we can listen to la siamoi songs, the SOS from Bernard and Bianca So a dive into the not-so-nostalgic news to forget the golden age or into a Lyonnaise mousse party in the open, 100% safe, what do you think? Follow Bignole yesterday and today |
Vroom, vroom... for Loto enthusiasts or players... Bugatti presents its new racing car: Tourbillon... This will not be enough to make it a model of ecological virtue, with more than 1,800 horsepower, 380 km/hour as standard and even 445 km/hour with the Speed Key, a key to unlocking which removes any speed limit, acceleration from 0 to 100 km/hour in two seconds. And for the all-electric range, it will be 60 km... (france3) and it costs how much3.8 million euros. And before it was the "W16 Mistral" roadster, a five million euro model... That was brand new. And used? A small Bugatti Chiron Profilée at 9,792,500 million euros, what do you think? Too late, it was a curiosity at Sotheby's last year and earned a fine of 135 euros, not even the Bugatti plum price of the City of Paris for having four wheels, no sorry, four engines? |
With or without garage? and also:The Le Pen made a capital gain of 1.8 million euros with the sale of their villa in Rueil-Malmaison... This property, nicknamed “La Bonbonnière”, is the main home of Jean-Marie Le Pen and his wife Jany. (actu.fr) Can you tell us why1- Because people like stories about golden faucets ( see the previous information)_ 2 - To tarnish the image of Le Pen during the electoral period _ 3 - For any other reason that pleases. La Bignole has no time to waste finding bombastic explanations from supermarkets spreading such information? Car or villa, we don't care at all. ...because in the old weekend edition, there is another famous house which is for sale, it is not the birthplace of the new President Doumergue, but that of someone we nicknamed the blue beard of Gambais and who had a famous cook. |
Again in the land of sauerkraut, sorry to the land of "human" rights, it's going backwards... "We feel wronged and unsupported": the Limoges Football Club women's team deprived of the final...The date is scheduled for June 16, but a few days before the match, the League postpones the match until the following Saturday at benefit from the final of the Arcachon men's team..." A few years ago we were on the development of women's football. There, it's true, for several years, on a personal level, I find that we is going backwards." (france3) A few days ago, it was “You cost us a lot and you bring in nothing”. This concerns the girls of US Orléans sacrificed for the benefit of boys by Mr. Courtin. Even the oval ball no longer turns round, a bit like the earth? “It’s unacceptable”: the rugby players of the Jean-Guiton college deprived of the final phases of the French UNSS (National Union of School Sports) championship and it’s always a story of farce And to stay in the race for the ball: Up to 100 million euros: Mbappé asks PSG to pay him unpaid salaries and bonuses. (france3) Meanwhile in Denmark: Danish footballers give up a raise to ensure better pay for women (AFP-06.21.2024) |
Sarthe: She will never forget it, Margot held Kylian Mbappé's hand... The 8-year-old girl also asked her friends to teach her how to play football... "I think she's going to ask us to enroll him in a football club at the start of the school year,” his mother supposes. (actu.fr) Good luck from La Bignole! |
And the market for... continues! OM: the most expensive player in its history already resold, the price is disappointing... Purchased by Olympique de Marseille for 32 million euros in 2023, Portuguese striker Vitinha has already been resold, to Genoa, in Italy for “only” 15 to 20 million euros. (actu.fr) |
Always the Marseille bouillabaisse... Forgotten people of the 21st century, a photo report to discover: In Marseille, the "erased" of the Cosquer Méditerranée cave want to come out of the shadows... But nearly 80 people have worked for 30 years to safeguard the site and when it was transmitted, and we don't talk about it...You won't see their name anywhere in the replica which reached the milestone of one million visitors barely fifteen months after its launch...." We understands quite quickly that the site is dedicated to Henri Cosquer more than to the Cosquer cave We are in the myth of the solitary hero and we were well placed to know that this was not the reality. Disability: the replica of the Cosquer Cave inaccessible to visitors with reduced mobility Marseille: Faced with rising water levels, it's a race against time to save the Cosquer cave A donation and allocation to the National Center for Prehistory - office of national policy on decorated caves and rock art sites. These are six hundred and forty-five slides relating to the Cosquer cave It's him: in 1992, first scientific and logistical mission of the DRASM (Department of Underwater Archaeological Research) with the archaeologist Jean Courtin and the prehistoric geologist Jacques Collina-Girard, today a member of the scientific commission of Cosquer Méditerranée |
End of opportunity, municipal (national) policy and tourism in France: special Ouistreham (Calvados) Land on the beach in Ouistreham: their sale brought in much, much more than expected... While the Domaine (State) service evaluated the 13 lots for a total of €489,700, the total (net seller) purchase is €1,634,156. (actu.fr) |
Good news for the old and zicmu is not forgotten... They are young and nostalgic for an era they did not know: "Before, life was simpler"... Have you ever had the impression of not being born in the right era, of be jealous of the youth that your parents or grandparents experienced? “...Before, the lifestyle was slower and we were more independent: we knew how to maintain a vegetable garden, make jars, bread, etc... Today, I have the impression that social networks dictate an ideal to which one must conform in order to be appreciated.” (actu.fr) What would Gil and Adriana say? When is the Golden Age? |
For music lovers... Blackbirds imitate the noise of electric scooters, listen to them As soon as an electric scooter is moved without permission, it emits a distinctive alarm signal... birds chirp like e-scooters... Other birds like song thrush or starling could also imitate the sounds If you prefer a chainsaw and a car alarm... When will we see a symphony of blackbirds, a bit nostalgic with imitations of the sounds of nature in a first movement, then a slightly dystrophic movement with imitations of modern life? However, according to the latest information from La Bignole, faced with the shortage of musicians at the Bordeaux National Opera, it would be considered recruiting German blackbirds, in order to make up for the lack of cultural resources in France. This is also Franco-German friendship! What do the old man and his student think? For that, see you in a next chapter of Ponetif! |
International relations of the French Republic |
Notice relating to the denunciation by Burkina Faso of the convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Upper Volta tending to eliminate double taxation and to establish rules for mutual administrative assistance in tax matters of 11 August 1965 together a protocol, an exchange of letters and an amendment of June 3, 1971 The Republic of Upper Volta. And a little over a year ago Burkina Faso: the government denounces a 1961 military agreement with France (TV5monde.fr) The history of Upper Volta, now Burkina Faso, since 1897 to listen to (AFRICA, MEMORIES OF A CONTINENT on RFI) |
Notice relating to the denunciation by Mali of the convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Mali tending to eliminate double taxation and to establish rules of reciprocal assistance in matters of income taxes, of inheritance taxes, registration fees and stamp duties of September 22, 1972, together a protocol and an exchange of letters Between Mali and Burkina Faso, the intriguing transport of UN ammunition... the rotations of a Russian cargo plane between Mali and the Burkinabe capital have raised many questions. (jeuneafrique.com by subscription) And also: Mali is plunged into crisis... (ladepeche.fr) |
Notice relating to the suspension by the de facto authorities of Niger of the convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Niger tending to eliminate double taxation and to establish rules for mutual administrative assistance in tax matters of the June 1, 1965 together a protocol, an exchange of letters and an amendment of February 16, 1973 Diplomacy: why is France closing its embassy in Niger? (tv5monde) After France, Niger breaks its military cooperation with the United States As a result, Niger withdrew the authorization to exploit the largest uranium mine at Imourarem in the north of the country. Towards a Russian presence in Niger? |
For budding little spies Order of June 10, 2024 approving the ministerial instruction relating to the protection of national defense secrets within the ministries of national education and youth, higher education and research and sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games |
Order of June 20, 2024 renewing the national civil security approval for the French Red Cross And what is it for? An A,B,C and D A: rescue operations (rescue of people and, depending on the department, water rescue); B: support and assistance actions for populations who are victims of accidents, disasters or disasters; C: supervision of volunteers as part of actions to support populations; D: depending on the departments, D-Alert and first aid points (PAPS), D-Small to large-scale provisional emergency devices (DPS-PE to GE), D-PAPS or D-PE to GE security of practicing aquatic activities. weird, did you say weird? Check the list starting from number 971, which follows 95 down and see no number has an aquatic skill. However, by drawing up an atlas and placing the numbers in the appropriate geographical locations, it seems that the numbers are slightly surrounded by the liquid element H2O And a small “F” means financial bankruptcy? Hauts-de-Seine: in financial crisis, four Red Cross health centers will permanently close... In total, the losses "are estimated at nearly 4.3 million euros in the 2024 budget...The Savings requested and made by the government were right for the health centers. (actu.fr) |
Official vocabulary... List relating to health and medicine vocabulary (terms, expressions and definitions adopted) and their equivalents in English The cult of health, sexuality under drugs (Pierre Palmade must know), the nanoantibody and... a little more |
« CHEFS -WORK OF THE BORGHÈSE GALLERY » presented at the Jacquemart-André museum, Paris, from September 6, 2024 to January 5, 2025 |
« BIRTH AND RENAISSANCE OF ITALIAN DRAWING. THE COLLECTION OF THE BOIJMANS VAN BEUNINGEN MUSEUM, ROTTERDAM » organized and presented at the Fondation Custodia, Paris, from October 12, 2024 to January 12, 2025 The Custodia Foundation in the 7th arrondissement of Paris |
18 juin 2024 | 25 juin 2024 |