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les infos de La Bignole
Excelsior |
France has a new president |
Page one - MP Giacomo Matteotti disappeared while going to get... cigarettes. |
Page two - Marthe Solange exhibits her paintings, under the leadership of Louise Hervieu
Also on page two - The President of the Council, Edouard Herriot, suffers his first assault at 5:15 p.m. |
Same page - The weekly chess problem, today n°185 and the game played between Aolphe Silbert and Jan Wilhelm Te Kostlé on June 8. |
Le Figaro |
Page one - France has a full government. It's been a long time since that happened. |
Same page - The new president is 61 years old. At what age were his predecessors elected? |
Page three - In Moscow, 9,296 arrests in two weeks |
L'Œuvre |
Page one - All that is required of the guardian of the Constitution is that he himself be "constitutional". It doesn't sound like much, but that's the whole point. |
Page two - For a long time the French people, who were easily governed with words... That's nothing new! |
Page three - The New York Tribune declares "henceforth, the presidency of the Republic will remain outside party politics." What other media outlets are saying abroad. |
L'Écho de Paris |
Page one - In Versailles, things are pretty much the same as they were for the "Malade Imaginaire" ceremony... |
La Presse |
Page one - In politics one can succeed because one is a brilliant speaker... |
Page two - The good Samaritan could not contain his indignation. |
Same page - Inauguration of the Zola monument: Essentially, exclusively political demonstration. |
Le Petit Parisien |
Page one - the former president is back to his old ways... the discreet security service has stepped down. |
Page two - We will dance all night on July 14th and until two in the morning on the 12th and 13th |
Same page - Power cannot be improvised. It must be learned, especially in a democracy. |
Page three - German Chancellor hopes for agreement with French government. |
L'Éclaireur du dimanche |
Page fifteen - Water sport, the regattas of the Villefranche sailing club and in photos, the organizing committee of the races and the organizers of the ball in photos And: The Villefranche Sailing Club: Fragments of a beautiful story to download here, a complete document with numerous illustrations |
Candide |
Page eight - The mind through images, some French and international cartoons. On the same page, for slightly nostalgic music lovers, the score and lyrics of: Ce n'est pas la mêm'chose Albert Willemetz: The list of his successes is long, for example "Mon homme" |
Comoedia |
Page one - Drama at the Grand-Guignol, Jean Max takes himself too seriously in his role of Rasputin to the detriment of Princess Ossovna, played by Miss Maïa Florian. Jean Max, yet another forgotten person in French cinematographic history and who has family ties with Cora Laparcerie, the other forgotten one. And who is the actress Maïa Florian, who almost died on the left live and on stage in 1924? La Bignole ignores it. Perhaps it is Marthe de Florian, an actress from that era, whose apartment became famous for having been closed for 69 years? Probably not, but the story of the latter and especially that of her portrait in a pink muslin dress, painted by Giovanni Boldini, is worth a look. In picture. Grand-Guignol And to read: The Forgotten Apartment by Michelle Gable, éditions des Falaises, with an extract to download. And soon to be seen on...? So another Wanted from Bignole: who is Maïa Florian, the actress, and what has become of her? |
Page three - A prefect, a sub-prefect can practice the arbitrary, even the absurd, even the illegal, without harming him otherwise. A provincial tyrant, but this also concerns some of his lesser peers, the mayors and their advisors... and the consequences of their actions and behavior. |
Le Petit Journal illustré |
Page two - The main facts: the traditional costume of the Duks-Duks of the island of New Bretage in Oceania which is used, among other things, for public celebrations.
The illustration of the Duks-Duks dance |
Page four - News through images, the Epsom Derby, a photo from the side of the yard, the encampments of the crowd of fans |
Page eleven - Weekly recreations, on the program, checkers, chess, mind games and curiosities with a fanciful charade, metagram, anagram, logogriphe and the solutions of May 11 |
Le Petit Écho de la mode |
Page six - The housewife's notebook with some seasonal recipes. And always a range of dishes for lunch and dinner to create your favorite menu. Look, it looks a bit like the news a century later with the negotiations for the legislative elections, the internal cuisine with the, glory and beauty with a hint of merry-go-round, washed down with a pinch of tournicoti tournicoton of the enchanted eponym. And from Monday, it will be the shallot race or the Palais-Bourbon grand prize. Menus and recipes: 158 Toulouse-style cod and an indication of practical culinary measurement from the time "as big as an egg", but this time, it does not concern the butter - 159 stuffed pork trotters, green sauce with some small pieces of truffle - 160 small ducklings à la béarnaise - 161 acacia flower fritters with old rum, a poetic recipe: pick small branches of freshly bloomed white acacia flowers... thank you the Cricket of the home, the Bignole did not yet know your soul a little blue flower - 162 cream soup with spinach - 163 snow peas with cream. And the good French cuisine of a century ago: African Moussaka, an Orano-Moroccan recipe collected from Léon Isnard and his book: "Gourmet Africa". Unfortunately La Bignole did not find this little treasure of gastronomy, witness to the history of France. And the recipe for Condé lamb fillets, a historic dish from the illustrious Vatel himself, who had it executed in the kitchens of Chantilly, a few days before his dramatic suicide. And on the same page of everything, a miracle recipe, a little barbaric, to make cherubs swallow castor oil, but that, those under 60 cannot know, well yes, the story of this oil sends shivers down your spine... |
Vogue |
The invitation to travel to France by Robert Bunard, a complete guide, maps included. Clothing advice depending on the destination, good addresses, regional culinary specialties. |
12 juin 1924 | 15 juin 2024 | 19 juin 1924 |