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les infos de La Bignole
Le Provençal de Paris |
Page two - Aioli and Côte-d'Azur, a dish sung since the 11th century and the announcement of the annual country festival in Crécy-en-Brie to honor this dish with the program of festivities, the culinary competition (with garlic and Var oil), the presentation of the honorary mortar, a donkey competition to win a sausage and there will be no flies for sure! “Don’t worry, fara bêu!” Crécy-en-Brie, which in 1972 became Crécy-la-Chapelle in Seine-et-Marne. But no trace of this picturesque festival, which is just waiting to be relaunched, Bignole would love it, especially since the Cresois festival committee was created on April 1, 2023, and it is not a fish of 'april |
And on the same page - A reassuring brief from Aix. Messrs. T. Masamune from Tokyo and Simura and R. Ono, visiting Japanese artists and art lovers, indicate that Paul Cézanne's works in Japanese collections did not suffer from the earthquake |
Page three - Grimaud, an invasion of grasshoppers called "boudragues" which cause great damage to the vines. Boudragues, ephippigers or tiger grasshoppers |
And still in the Var, but in Saint Raphaël, a petition from the inhabitants of Valescure is circulating. The South is doing less well than the North. We are concerned about the total absence of means to fight fires. Should we wait for a tragedy? Do not look for information on fires in Saint-Raphaël in the search bar of your favorite search engine, these are not-so-dramatic facts. Always varied news in Saint-Raph, the controversy over black panties which displeases the municipality, the wild boars who are politely invited to return to their forest and the installation of a public water closet. The Valescure district and its history since 1881, we understand the petition better when we see the villas and the names of the residents of this place. Enjoy your stroll in the “golf district” |
Still page three - Levens in the Alpes-Maritimes, the result of the tender for the Hautes-Sarres water supply, Mr. Jean Barriera is the lucky one and after work, Levens, a summer resort with increasing development, will see every year increase the number of its summer visitors. A century later, what is the news from Levens.An appeal will be filed against the permit to build a photovoltaic park in Levens...Five hectares of solar panels is the equivalent of five hectares of concrete. As soon as it rains, it will fall vertically on Baus Roux. Finally, why go and disturb nature when we can very well install solar panels elsewhere than in a natural area?"...This project is located in the heart of nature, at the top of Mount Arpasse. It should cost a total of around of 12 million euros, (francebleu) And we also talk about water resources: Megabasins: the mayor of Levens' project triggers the wrath of environmentalists It's true, I mentioned the desire to increase the volume of water reservoirs for the production of artificial snow . Still the tourism problem. (france3). Nothing really new, a hundred years ago we were already talking about photovoltaics and renewable energy. Perhaps we talked a little less about tourism.
L'Éclaireur du Dimanche |
Page seventeen - The Negresco celebrations in 1925. The festivities are launched and what will happen one hundred years later?January 16, January 30, February 13, February 27, March 13 and March 27, 2025? See you in the Bignole editions in 2025. You can already consult the exhibition calendar to find out what you plan to do on these dates |
Excelsior |
Page one - The six wigs of the cashier of the Opéra-Comique, a search at 11, rue du Grand-Prieuré of the very bald indelicate person and his explanation about his wigs. |
Page two - Some briefs: A floating university on the transatlantic Princess-Alice, one year, a world tour, a dream for 400 American students. And a century later... The Pacific Community wants to develop a “floating university”. ( A floating university in the middle of the Indian Ocean. (france3) And the catalog of training and boarding. ( And the best. The floating university sets sail again for its world tour. ( And the concept continues ( The reconstructed mine at Wembley and the story of the "pit Pony" Wallace, from the North-Shield mines, who made the resistance. 12 years of mining is enough. And where are the animal defenders? And the historical future of this English mine? |
And again - Curiosity: some results from a major auction of art objects. For some remarkable auction results a century later, go to the contemporary edition of Bignole |
Still in the news - Astronomy: The story of the discovery of "Urania" by Herschel, which was to be called Georgium Sidus, the planet furthest from the sun, finally dethroned by Neptune. And today?to see Uranus, Neptune and other planets aligned, simply raise its eyes on June 3, if conditions are favorable. on and starwalk-space
Page three - "War clouds in Europe" The Russian threat on the Romanian-Polish borders on the banks of the Dniester RiverThe Dniester River, which since 1991 has partially served as a border between Ukraine and Moldova... In 1992, the banks of the river were the scene of a post-Soviet conflict, the Dniester War, “dress rehearsal but limited” of the Russian-Ukrainian war which will begin 22 years later, in 2014. The water level in the Dniester reservoir is stable but low due to Russian attacks in May 2024.( And do you know about Transnistria, also known as the Dniester Moldavian Republic? it is a region that proclaimed its independence from Moldova in 1990 . |
On the last page - In photos, the Parisian bees yesterday visited the "Newton" submarine at the Alexandre III bridge, the continuation of last week's episode "a submarine in Paris"; three snapshots of the international gas exhibition at the acclimatization garden, including the restitution of the inflation of the first gas balloon, on December 1, 1783. |
And the weekly chess game, problem number 183 and the solution of problem number 182, a game played at the Holland tournament |
Also page three - News from General Ludendorff, who wants his revenge |
Page Six - Marie Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks take a walkabout in Paris |
L'Auto-vélo |
Page one - Criqui opposed to Frush, to know everything about the opponents in the boxing match for the featherweight world championship. |
Same page - the popularity of sport in Uruguay, a photo of the 50,000 people attending the final of the South American Football Championship in Montevideo. Uruguay triumphs over Argentina |
Page two - Sports and women, in athletics Nova against SC de la Marne and the Audax Pédestres Féminins, 50 kilometers on foot in less than 12 hours and the need for team spirit. Endurance walks and Audax are still relevant, a kilometer on foot wears out, wears out, wears out the shoes... What do the sportswomen of US Orléans and Jean Guitton College think about it? |
Comœdia |
Page two - The announcement of an organ recital given at the Saint-Gervais church for the restoration of the organ of Chaumes-en-Brie, the Couperins' country of origin. And what has become of the restoration?{end-texte|width=550|offsetx=-100|offsety=-20|time=300|delayOut=300}Call for donations to support the organ and the church (, The long-awaited organ has arrived. ( And the story.{end-tooltip} |
Same page - For the broadcast of French films among our Canadian cousins. |
Le Petit Journal illustré |
Page three - Between us: like the grown-ups, the little centenarians have their interests. Did you know who invented the gummed envelope? There is an envelope in the archives of the Bouches-du-Rhône prefecture dating from 1692. And we learn the art of folding a missive, in order to make it inviolable. But today, under the reign of modernity, we no longer write to each other...or we send each other three words on a postcard. And a century later, three words in texting language, possibly accompanied by a smiley, transmitted by airwaves. Progress ! |
Same page - Célestin Bouffigue deserves a visit to Gascony, a green valley of the Garonne, to the villa where the lyrical artist retired. His memories and anecdotes. Another artist completely forgotten by history. Another Wanted from La Bignole. Does the Rouen Arts Theater have any information? The only Bouffigue to enter posterity is “Pique-Bouffigue” by Marcel Pagnol. |
Page six - In photos, some expressions of Pierrot by the mime Farina, and an article on pantomime. A little more about Maurice Farina and the background Farina (mime, theater, dance, circus, cinema, by Jules-Maurice Chevalier, known as Farina April 14, 1883 - March 3, 1943) is 53 linear meters at the BNF, but you have to go on site to consult them. But by digging around, you can find some gems, like this set of documentation collected by Farina (60MB) |
Page eight - The portrait: a little humorous drawing. And what does the rather similar Gina Reinhardt think? |
Page nine - Weekly recess, this week the neurons will heat up. Checkers, chess, syllabic square, enigma, metagram, diamond, anagram and decreasing logograph, Phew! And the solutions of April 27. |
Le Petit Écho de la mode |
Page four - A knitting reader, with the pattern, a cute little interior garment that's easy to make. |
Page six - The weekly housewife's notebook, some seasonal recipes and suggestions for putting together a menu yourself. The recipes: - 146 Périgord-style eggs, of course with a truffle - 147 Languedoc veal tongue - 148 artichoke confit - 149 Italian skate - 150 pigeons roasted with morels - 151 pineapple salad. |
Same page - Good French cuisine, today on the program, ostrich eggs, a Gascon joke? No, a real recipe to surprise young and old children. All you need is a pig's bladder, a lot of sleight of hand, almost sleight of hand with a perfect optical illusion. A recipe for plums in vinegar, an Orléans dish that is worth a look; to renew simple hors d'oeuvres or as an accompaniment to beef stew. “It’s exquisite.” |
Page ten - Mind games, charades, anagrams, riddles, metagrams, square words and solutions from the previous month. And the fables of La Fontaine illustrated by La Bignole: this week the fable of animals sick with the plague, sponsored by quinium Labarraque, |
And on the same page - A small advertisement for Lyon rattan furniture. The Camus establishments, 1 and 5 rue d’Espagne in Lyon. Rue de l'Espagne, today Rue Charles-Dullin. And a century later...what's new? 243 years old, the oldest store in Lyon closes: “People have a hard time believing it”. The wicker man has definitively surrendered his weapons. “When we took over the business in 1981, there were dozens of basket weavers in the city. Everything closed, one after the other. Not enough sales,” explains Marie-Christine. ( |
25 mai 1924 | 08 juin 1924 |