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les infos de La Bignole
Excelsior |
Page One - Civil war is at the gates of Shanghai. Two provincial governors are fighting over the city. |
Page two - Gutzon Berglum and the colossal memorial at Stone Mountain. |
Same page - The weekly chess problem and game #196 played between Marmaduke Wyvill and Adolf Anderssen in the first international chess tournament of 1851
L'Oeuvre |
Page five - Not so miscellaneous facts in Paris and its suburbs: "Tired of life", "corpse fished out", among others... |
L'Ouest-Éclair |
Page One - The London Pact was signed yesterday. The Dortmund military zone will be evacuated. |
Page two - The Breton hotel industry and Treboul defend themselves. Mr. G. Marec, mayor of Treboul, requests the insertion of his letter, following an article on August 26. This concerns the water war, overtourism or the difficulty of reconciling the interests of the latter with the interests of the local population. In fact, when is this article from, the 20th or the 21st century? Indeed, there are even tourists who club together to have the rubbish (which they dispose of) removed from the beach. The newspaper's response follows, rather complimentary. The reader's letter of August 26 incriminated by the mayor of Treboul. Mr. A. Woisard, a lawyer at the Court of Paris, did not quite appreciate his first stay in Brittany. Tréboulold French commune attached to Douarnenez in Finistère with its first cannery, replacing the press technique for preserving sardines, opened in 1853... (would Auguste Escoffier appreciate them?)... The opening in 1924 of a guesthouse, which later became the Ty Mad hotel, attracted many painters to Tréboul English, the best known being Christopher Wood, and New Zealanders who gravitate around Max Jacob... Guillaume Marec was mayor of Tréboul between 1919 and 1927. He created the cooperative La Fraternelle for the purchase of professional equipment by fishermen and, after the sinking of the slap-ass cutter "Telen Mor" in March 1927 with 18 men on board off the English coast, the "Bienfaitrice", a society for immediate relief for families. wikipedia extracts |
Also page two - German nationalists against the London Pact, and the opportunity for a singular bargain. |
L'Éclaireur du dimanche |
Page three - On the Big Blue, from Marseille to Nice by Canoe. Follow the exploits of three Parisians Mr. Jean Maunoury from the Yacht-Club de France, Mrs. Maunoury and Mr. Jules Guillot Lohan from the Canoë-Club de France, with their yoles "Mektoub Inch'Allah" and the "Viking" who have completed a most daring sporting trip. In the photo Mr. and Mrs. Maunoury on their Canadian canoe and in the background, a quay, an old sailing ship and an inscription on the facades of the port buildings: Flour mill, Pasta... CLAS
Page eleven - Sports and Women, the Women's Section of the Gymnase-Club de Nice at the Rennes Competition and at the Pasteur Hospital. A "pretty photo" of the eight graceful athletes, nominated, under the direction of Mr. Autié, their instructor, who brought home the 1st prize for excellence at the Rennes Gymnastics Competition |
And in the series "The great European hotels", after Madrid and the Palace "The Westin Palace" unique in Europe, the most majestic Real hotel in Santander, "Le Palace" in Brussels, supreme comfort, this week again Brussels, and always... " Le Palace ". But La Bignole took a time jump and ended up in the July 6 edition of L'Éclaireur, and here we are back in Madrid. But it's the Ritz Hotel, the most aristocratic. Today it's Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Plaza de la Lealtad 5, 28014 Madrid, Spain. But there are more cars parked in front... |
La Presse |
Page Two - The Bavarian Nationalists against the Handover of the Railways, planned by the execution of the Dawes Plan within the framework of the London Agreements. |
Le Progrès de Seine-et-Oise |
Page one - A candidate nominated for City Hall 'Ezanville is... in prison. David Fernandez had embezzled the sum of two million to the detriment of the company "Kotto". |
Le Petit Journal illustré |
Page One - An original match, on the occasion of the British exhibition at Wembley and more particularly on the Crystal Palace football field. The challenge: to cover the greatest distance in 6 days. The challengers: Mr. Hark, professional walker and a horse, ridden by the jockey Nightigall. And the winner is... in pictures. Enjoy the rider's outfit, very British. The horse that took part in the 6-day challenge is called... |
Page two - The last son of the emperor or the discovery of the remains of the prince imperial, the only son of Napoleon III, in 1879 in the bush of South Africa. This discovery was made by Captain O.R. Syndney, who had just died in Mariposa, California. Who was Rebecca Clarck-Jackson, the faithful and devoted friend of the young prince? She died in Marseille in 1910 where she had retired, devoting her life to her passion, music, and to charity. Dramatic, even romantic, destinies Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (1856-1879) Spolier de La Bignole: soon on Bignoflix, a series on the tragic destiny of Louis and Rebecca, separated by destiny and continents. |
Page four - Current events through images. Since Valentin Haüy, great progress has been made to make the conquests of the mind accessible to the blind. But what about sport? An example in England in a photo. And a century later, it's the Paralympic Games. Also, following the floods in Paris, elected officials were moved. In the photo, the demolition of the Monnaie lock, located near the Louvre. And in the background of the photo, wouldn't that be Notre-Dame? And, rest for the neurons, no weekly recess this week. |
Le Petit Parisien |
Page two - A building collapses on Aboukir Street, it's old Paris that's going away. |
Same page - Maurie Prax's column. The inglorious way in which France regards and has always considered the nationals of its colonies. A clear explanation of some of the societal problems in France. |
Le Provençal de Paris |
Page two - Provençal cuisine with this week the menu for a breakfast on the banks of the river "Le Loup" which waters the plains of the picturesque village of Villeneuve-Loubet. And the recipe for sardines with spinach Provençal style, with a little trick to remove the intestine at the same time as the head. You obviously need nice fresh sardines... but Auguste Escoffier is not averse to replacing them with canned sardines of a good brand, and as he says: "it is good when you live in the countryside to always have a few cans of sardines..." A quote from the great chef Auguste Escoffier! "...Vatel's tragic destiny might have been different." And don't forget to wash down this bucolic breakfast with "brandy so old that we have forgotten its age" and coffee with toupin (an old Provençal method). The recipe for lamb fillets à la Condé, a historic dish from the illustrious Vatel himself, who had it made in the kitchens of Chantilly, a few days before his dramatic suicide, due to a lack of cans of good brand sardines. And La Bignole takes this opportunity to recommend a good brand of canned sardines, Molène's sardines ![]() The toupin, a small earthenware pot and a Provençal proverb: "each toupin finds its cabucelle" Villeneuve-Loubet in the Alpes-Maritimes, which is no longer really a picturesque village with 16,779 inhabitants in 2021 Le Loup |
Same page - Thirty years of Café-Concert by Félix Mayol, nicknamed by the press the "King of French song". His genealogy, his beginnings as a "kitchen boy" at the restaurant de la Paix, at Monsieur Blanc's, Place des Armes, his first scenes under the name "Petit Ludovic", his creation of a stadium in Toulon and his dream: a Théâtre de la Nature in this same city
Page three - La Bignole in Brignoles in the Var. The Pic-de-Bretagne radio-telegraph station reported a fire of great proportions, but... Le Pic-de-Bretagne which is located, despite its name, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. |
Le Petit Écho de la mode |
Page six - The housewife's weekly notebook with seasonal recipes and how to prepare your lunch this week. By consulting the suggestions for lunch and dinner. Then all that's left is to compose your menu. And this week's recipes: 223-trouts à la béarnaise, with very fresh little trouts, which you have to kill yourself, 224-paupiettes de bœuf, with "Romsteck", 225-bombe moscovite, be careful this is a culinary recipe with wild strawberries, 226-cream of barley with sorrel butter, this is once again a recipe and not a course on French language synonyms for pépètes, 227-omelette aux tomates, 228-tomatoes with bacon, with "Caroline" rice |
A recreation of La Bignole: in a restaurant, who does what? Take the hypothesis that a small piece of cork falls into a glass of champagne. In the restaurant room there are customers of different nationalities. There are: |
24 août 1924 | 04 septembre 1924 |