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les infos de La Bignole
L'Homme Libre |
Page One - Any return to violence is a regression of humanity. Any practice of tolerance is a social ascension. |
L'Intransigeant |
Page two - Our Echoes: a few brief articles written in a more or less mocking tone, some of which are laughable, others not at all, |
Page three - Mosul: the tone hardens between Turkey and England which seeks peace, but "a peace compatible with honor" |
Same page - The park of Versailles ransacked; The spectacle of this civil servant caught red-handed in negligence and incompetence... |
Paris-Soir |
Page one - The two champions: And this is why the world champion of letters, who has just died... |
Same page - The Z-R 3 has arrived in America... It is even forbidden to drive on the streets with studded shoes that could cause a spark. |
L'Œuvre |
Page two - The Barbarians: Anatole France has several times expressed the desire to be buried without flowers, without speeches, without any pomp, in the small cemetery of Saint-Cyr... The column by G. De La Fouchardière |
The front page of October 13, 1924, devoted to the death of Anatole France, who died on October 12 at 11:30 p.m. Three articles evoke the sacred monster of French literature. |
Journal des débats |
Page two - The death of Anatole France, emotion abroad: From the great European capitals, expressions of sympathy arrive... "the loss that France and the world have just experienced." "a master of intelligence..." "citizen of the world..." "the undisputed king of prose..." "one of the noblest and most generous minds of France..." |
12 octobre 1924 | 19 octobre 1924 |